Tuesday 28 April 2015

1.2 describe the common features shared by organisms within the following main groups: plants, animals, fungi, bacteria, protoctists and viruses, and for each group describe examples and their features as follows (details of life cycle and economic importance are not required)

Plant Characteristics:
·         Multicellular organisms
·         Cells contain chloroplasts
·         is able to carry out photosynthesis
·         Cells contain cellulose cell walls
·         Store carbohydrates as starch or sucrose
·         Example: Flowering plant, a cereal (maize) and a legume (beans)
Animal Characteristics:
·         Multicellular organisms
·         do not contain chloroplasts
·         not able to carry out photosynthesis
·         Cells have no cell walls
·         usually have nervous coordination
·         usually are able to move from one place to another
·         Store carbohydrates as glycogen
·         Example: Mammal (human) and insect (mosquito)
·         Not able to carry out photosynthesis
·         Body usually organized into a mycelium made from thread-like structures called hyphae  which contain many nuclei
·         Some are unicellular
·         Cell walls made of chitin
·         Feed by extracellular secretion of disgestive enzymes onto food material and absorbsion of the organic products (saprotrophic nutrition)
·         May store carbohydrates as glycogen
·         Example: Mucor (has tyical hyphal structure multicellular) and yeast (unicellular)
·         Microscopic unicellular organisms
·         Contain cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm and plasmids
·         Lack a nucleus but contain a circular chromosome of DNA
·         Some are able to carry out photosynthesis
·         Most feed off other living or dead organisms
·         Example: lactobacillus bulgaricus (used in production of yogurt) and Pneumococcus (pathogen causing pneumonia)
·         Microscopic, unicellular organisms
·         Some have features more like an animal cell (Amoeba)
·         Others have chloroplast and have features more like a plant cell (Chlorella)
·         Some of them are pathogens (Plasmodium, causing Malaria)
·         Small particles (smaller than bacteria)
·         Parasitic
·         Can only reproduce inside living cells
·         Infect every type of living organism
·         Have a variety of shapes and sizes
·         Have not cellular structure but have a protein coating
·         Contain one type of nucleic acid RNA or DNA

·         Example: tobacco mosaic virus responsible for the discoloration of tobacco plants by prevent chloroplasts from being formed and influenza virus causing the flu

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